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Our Services

Modern Beer Brewery


We provide services to support before and after an audit.

Create and develop and/or review and update.

  • Documentation Control System

  • Audit Criteria

  • Food Safety and Quality Systems

  • Anytime and Anywhere

  • Electronic Proof of Successful Completion of Annual Training

  • Learnings Based on Regulatory Laws and Guidance

Automated Document Control Systems

  • FMSA Plans Created, Developed, and/or, Updated and Reviewed

  • E-Management Systems (SSOP, GMP, Culture of Food Safety, HACCP, Packaging and Labeling, Recalls, FSVP)

  • Continuous Improvements and Maintenance of Annual Audit Processes and Procedures



PROMOTE Compliance





Food SMART Strategies is your partner of choice to bring your company to the stringent required food safety standards thanks to the high level services we have developed and refined over our years of coaching and processes implementation. 


Promote a company culture of food safety and quality - your bottom line net profit will thank you


Prevention of food-borne illness starts with a culture of food safety including training of all workers on SSOPs and GMPs customized for the Food and Dietary Supplement  industries.


Providing professional development thru continuous training of all workers and employees ensures loyalty, engagement and ‘ownership’ of their job





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